Our Journey

Fresh4cast began in 2013 when three Sloan Fellows from the London Business School dreamed of a sustainable future for the fresh produce sector

Our Vision

Sustainability can and should drive profit in the fresh produce industry. 

Our Mission

Improve financial and environmental sustainability in the fruit & veg sector with forecasting and planning tools.

Business model

For more than a decade, we’ve been serving companies in the fresh produce sector with the same values: pursuit of valuable innovation, respect for customers, and attention to costs.

Simple company-level subscription

Aligns our interest with yours. Annual budget reflects ongoing subs and new development. Unlimited users.

Low total cost of ownership (TCO) 

No hidden or per-user fees. Automation reduces workload. No third-party licenses are required. Low set-up fees, flexibility in connecting with current processes, and easy implementation.

Low Risk 

No long-term commitment/lock-in. Subscription as win-win relationship, easy data access and export, platform/ERP agnostic


Data stored in secure environment, never shared or amalgamated. Regular software upgrades and security reviews. ITS data access layer provides Integrity, Traceability and Speed.

Customer success

Fast customer support, project management and training included

Shared technology roadmap

New products are designed, developed and improved with and for the end user, boosting adoption and customer value

Our Team

Mihai Ciobanu
Michele Dall'Olio

Our Address

5 New Street Square, London, EC4A 3TW, United Kingdom

Contact Info
